Monday, November 15, 2010


I suck at this blogging thing.
Like so bad.
It's been over a month or something.
I had my exam today and now I'm practically DONE with school for the year.
We have to go back at the end for the pageant and peer support stuff, but that doesn't count.
This photo, Ian Somerhalder took between takes in the Salvatore house.
I just really like it.

And yes, I am officially obsessed...
It's quite pathetic, but I can't help it.

He is just so beautiful.
And he cares about the environment and he loves animals!
How more perfect can someone be?!


Saturday, October 9, 2010

School. -___-

I love Zooey Deschanel.
I was walking through town and saw her ad for Absolut Vodka and got really excited, 'cause I love her and she's so beautiful. :D

I've been so lame these holidays.
Like, I suck so much.
I wrote a poem, but it's real lameface.

I did a ton of homework this morning though.
Trust me to leave it to the Sunday before school.

So I'ma go make a pizza now.

Friday, September 24, 2010

What a lameface week.

totally fail.
and I just wrote this massive thing and then it freaked out and now it's gone. -__-
Stupid creative writing exam.
If I fail or even just achieve I'll cry.
And projective geometry. -__-
I handed my book in though. :D

And I love James Dean. c:

Thursday, September 16, 2010

And: Alexandra Dahlström

I just felt I needed to mention her because she's beautiful.
She's Swedish and she was in this cool Swedish film 'Show Me Love', but the original Swedish
title translated to 'Fucking Amal', which is a place in Sweden. c:

She's so stunning.

Kristin Bauer van Straten

OMG I love her so much.
She is incredible.
And so adorable.
I Wish I could meet her!
Even more than I wish I could meet Regina Spektor..

And she loves animals! c:
And she went to South Africa w/ her South African husband to do some whale-saving.
And she's just so so cool!
And I wish I was that cool..

And she is the only person who could ever be Pam.
Nobody can pull off deadpan like she can.
And she's always so stunning!!!
Even in the crazy pvc, leather outfits they make her wear.
I'm so jealous..
And she's going to be in Aussie soon... -__-

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Stockholm, Sweden.

I'd really like to go there one day.
One day soon, preferably.

I wish I could speak Swedish. Man, that would be so awesome. Roi would totez come to Sweden w/ me, right?